Harshi Mastic Flooring Services ( 8,455.5 mi away )
Fixed Location
Open Today
A 4 Karnik Road Chikan Ghar Kalyan, 421301 Maharashtra, India
We are an eminent contractors, who are duly into bitumenous product works to our valued clients.
We offer wide array of services like:
Course treatment of tarfelt waterproofing on wet-prone terraces, dripping GI sheets and leaked asbestos laid-roofs.
Heavy-duty Industrial Mastic Flooring the highly recommended for the gas-plants and heavy engineering oriented works.
Mastic Flooring for the LPG godowns and warehouses a requisite from the CCE of Gas Cylinder Rules
Bitumenous mastic flooring for the studious, film-industries, packaging-industries
Asphalt-Mastic roads for clubs, residential complexes and organizations
Our executed works are extremely efficients in performances for long run and which add extra mileage with services factors, and are best known for its superior quality with the standardised-specification of grade.
the contingency for the works are backed by the team of highly skilled and accomplished specialists with the precision and accuracy.
We look forward for a prospective and constructive meeting with you for the above mentioned works. It would be creditable for us in regard of our commitment in future endeavours.
contact us: 9702491558/8976346753
harshimasticflooringservices@yahoo.com/ harshiwaterproofingservices201@gmail.com
Business Hours
Mode of Payment

- Asphalt Mastic
- Bitumen Course Waterproofing Services
- Deck Construction & Maintenance Commercial & Industrial
- Heavy-duty Industrial Mastic Flooring
- Mastic Flooring For The Lpg Godowns
- Mastic Flooring Services